Basic Level Videos

Here you will find bite-sized reviews of clinically relevant and interesting articles.

NEW Breathing Away GERD (Recorded 6/25/19)

  • Cardio
  • Mind
  • Gut
  • Genomics
  • URI
  • msk
  • Cancer
  • weight
  • other

Fecal Microbial Transplant for Autism Spectrum Disorder (Recorded 5/25/19)
Are Eggs Killing Us Again? (Recorded 4/1/19)
Fish Oil for Cardiovascular Disease (Recorded 8/10/18)
Statins for Primary Prevention (Recorded 6/28/17)
Are Statins Worthless in the Elderly? (Recorded 6/6/17)
NSAIDs and Heart Failure (Recorded 5/17/17)
MTHFR and Stroke (Recorded 10/28/16)
Probiotics Lower Cholesterol! (Recorded 6/25/16)
How Low Can You Go? Aggressive BP Control in the Elderly (Recorded 6/18/16)
A New HOPE? Statins for Intermediate Risk (Recorded 5/8/16)
Revisiting the Diet-Heart Hypothesis – Did We Have It Wrong? (Recorded 4/25/16)
Antihypertensives for Diabetics – Are we Starting Too Early? (Recorded 3/27/16)
ApoE and MIs – The Heart Attack Gene (Recorded 1/3/16)
Kif6 and CVD (Recorded 10/10/2015)
Modified Valsalva for SVTs (Recorded 10/3/2015)
Testosterone and Cardiovascular Disease – here we go again…
Naturopathic Medicine for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Red Yeast Rice for Statin-Intolerant Patients
Caralluma and Metabolic Syndrome
Garlic and Lipid Levels
Diet and Exercise to Prevent Diabetes
Do PPIs Cause Heart Attacks?
Diets, Diabetes, and Genetics – say it ain’t so!
Statins May Cause Diabetes – it’s worse than we thought
Folate and Stroke Prevention
Genetics and CVD
Do Statins Cause Heart Disease?
CVD Risk Calculators Suck
Chromium for Diabetes
The New Kid on the LDL Block – LDL-p
Will Probiotics Reduce your Blood Pressure?
Does Niacin Even Work and is it Dangerous?
Will Too Much Calcium Kill You?
Do Statins Makes You Stupid?

4 thoughts on “Basics (10 min – all levels)”

  1. Hello Dr. G, I was just going through some of the videos on IBS and SIBO and you mention in several of the study reviews that the “placebo” effect for IBS was very high. I am just wondering if there is a way to verify if improvement in a placebo group is due to the placebo effect or if there is simply the occasional spontaneous improvement and that is what is being detected as a “placebo” response. My understanding is that folks suffering from IBS go through more severe and less severe periods. Is this high placebo response simply detecting participants in a placebo group that have simply stumbled into fortuitous period of lower IBS severity?

    • Great question. It is all in how they set up the study. In a normal RCT you would not really be able to differentiate the different elements of the placebo effect because they would be all tied up in the overall placebo group effect. When I talk about the high IBS placebo response rate I am usually referring to Ted Kaptchuk’s work on IBS and placebo. He had a 3 arm placebo study with varying levels of placebo “intervention” to help tease this apart. There was a waitlist control (measuring regression to the mean, hawthrone etc) a low level placebo and an intensive placebo (high provider interaction with pt). Doing this they showed a graded placebo response. It was a brilliant study. You can read it here:

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