- Would you love CONCISE Evidence-Based Medicine skills video?
- Do you need to cover the basics but also want to explore more complicated topics?
- Is your current learning material hopelessly complicated and confusing?

Hi, I’m Dr. Goldenberg. I’m a Cochrane Author and Super EBM geek and I’ve made it my mission to create simple-to-follow and concise EBM skills training materials.
I kept on hearing from students and colleagues that what was needed was short and approachable EBM training videos.
So in addition to all the resources of our In Depth Level membership we built our Master Level where you have access to our EBM Skills Videos.
About once a month we go in depth to cover the more nuanced elements of a research study. We ferret out the bias and discuss key concerns and evidence-based medicine concepts.
Our extensive collection of EBM Skills videos designed to show you how to criticallyevaluate the medical literature and grasp key EBM issues.
A Brief History of Evidence-based Medicine (1 part)
An Evidence House? (1 part)
Sample Size (1 part)
Genomic Medicine Studies (4 parts)
Run-in Periods in RCTs (1 part)
Sensitivity and Specificity (1 part)
Likelihood Ratios (1 part)
More Practice with Likelihood Ratios (1 part)
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (4 parts)
Individual Patient Data (IPD) Meta-analyses (1 part)
Network Meta-Analyses (1 part)
GRADE criteria for assessing the overall quality of evidence (1 part)
Heterogeneity (1 part)
Continuous Outcomes (1 part)
Docs Don’t Know Jack About Statistics (at least effect sizes) (1 part)
Risk Ratio versus Odds Ratio (1 part)
Hazard Ratios (1 part)
Minimal Clinically Important Differences (1 part)
Cohen’s d (1 part)
Confidence Intervals (1 part)
Numbers Needed to Treat (NNT) (1 part)
More Practice with Numbers Needed to Treat (1 part)
More Practice with Risk Ratios, Relative Risk Reduction, Absolute Risk Reduction, Numbers Needed to Treat, and Odds Ratios (1 part)
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False (1 part)
The Jadad Scale for Quality Assessment of RCTs (1 part)
Assessing Bias in RCTs – Using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool (4 parts)
Assessing Bias in Non-Randomized Studies – Using the ROBINS-I Tool (1 part)
Selective Outcome Reporting Bias (1 part)
Should Industry Funding be a Domain in the Risk of Bias Tool? (1 part)
Why Missing Outcome Data is Scary (1 part)
Intention to Treat Analysis (ITT) (1 part)
Publication Bias (1 part)
Subjective and Objective Outcomes and Bias (1 part)
Reverse Causation Bias (1 part)
Trial Registration and Bias (1 part)
Propensity Scores
Key Facts Boxes So You Can EyeBall The Take Homes
EBM Skills Videos Cover Essential EBM Concepts
Join our little community and start geeking out about the research literature today.
Creator of Dr. Journal Club